Sunday, December 22, 2013

Using buildroot

IMHO buildroot is the one of the smallest footprint Linux distribution in WWW for embedded devices. Having a small memory foot print is very useful when only 64MB of RAM is available; the amount on the Micro.

Here is a step by step to create a simple Linux distrubution for the Micro using buildroot on Linux.

  1. Create a directory in your home directory ie mkdir micro; cd micro; mkdir bld
  2. The idea is to have buildroot in one directory and your build directory bld as another directory,  This keeps things clean and able to know what is what. 
  3. Use git to retrieve buildroot git clone git://
  4. Now there should be two directories under micro; bld and build
  5. cd into bld
  6. make -C ../buildroot/ O=$PWD olimex_imx233_olinuxino_defconfig
  7. The above step creates the proper make files to start the compile process of tools (compilers, tools, Linux, rootfs)
  8. Once this completes do a make
  9. This will take some time to complete. Once this a image directory is created with a sdcard image ready to program.
  10. There is directions to program a SD card image in the buildroot/board/olimex/imx233_olinuxino/readme.txt  Buildroot creates a boot-able Linux image.
In the next post how to create a u-boot image for the Micro... 

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